Clinical quality and excellence

Clinical Quality & Excellence@2x.png

Why it is important

Delivering high-quality, safe and effective clinical care is at our core. In addition to clinical quality, we are focused on the patient experience and working with our doctors to support their wellbeing and effectiveness. We invest in identifying the best patient outcomes through research and development.

Our management approach

Ramsay strives to deliver high-quality, safe and effective clinical care in an environment where risks and issues are anticipated, identified early and responded to rapidly. We work to do this through reviewing and improving our patient safety and quality system performance. Safety is everyone’s
business and the cornerstone of quality. For this reason, we endorse accountability in this area at all levels of our organisation.

The Ramsay Health Care Board and the Global Risk Management Committee embed strong leadership in safety and quality. This supports Ramsay Health Care employees and accredited medical practitioners in their efforts to provide safe, high-quality care and monitor and respond to the performance of Ramsay's patient care systems.

Impact boundary and stakeholders

  1. Patients
  2. Doctors
  3. Employees
  4. Funding partners
  5. Government and regulators
  6. Investors
  7. Community


Our measures are provided in our annual Impact Report Quality Scorecard and include hospital accreditations, clinical incidents and patient experience.


  • GRI disclosure: 416-2 Customer health and safety
  • SASB topic area: Quality of care and patient satisfaction
  • SDGs: 3, 4, 17